Kangel's Journey
As a professionally trained pharmacist for almost 20 years, our co-founder is determined to ensure that the business of Kangel's Dream is established with 3 core foundational principles
to help improve the community's quality of health
to incorporate scientifically-evidenced knowledge into our products
to provide effective and precise solution to fix the community's problem
Colon Is Dirty
We all know that the large intestines, particularly the colon is the very last station of our digestive system. It is a place that all toxins and unwanted filthy objects accumulate, awaiting to be disposed, to be flushed out of the body. Such mechanism is making the colon becoming one of the dirtiest part of the body. Not only it is prone to all kind of health disadvantages, it is also exposed to diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, inflammable bowel syndrome, and even the fearsome colon cancers.
Colon Cleanliness Is Important
It is crucial and important to ensure that our colon is clean, so that we are free from the risk of being burdened by colorectal diseases. Thankfully we have found one of the most effective, scientifically proven method to ensure the cleanliness of the large intestine. This method is no stranger to many: probiotics consumption. There are many ways to obtain probiotics. One of the fastest way, is to invest into good probiotics and uphold a consistent habit of supplementation.
Kombucha Is One Of The Answers!
Another effective way practiced throughout histories across the world, is to increase the intake of probiotic-rich food, such as pickles, natto, yoghurt, tempeh, kimchi, kefir, kombucha and etc. Kombucha is one of the most promising methods that we are going to take a deeper look!